

Apr 08, 2023

Regan Washer announces bid for Marshall District supervisor

Regan Washer with his wife, Leah

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Each of the five seats on the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors is on the ballot in the Nov. 7 general election. This is the status of the election campaigns for those seats as of Jan. 24.

Marshall District

Incumbent Mary Leigh McDaniel is not seeking re-election. Mike Focazio is running as an independent. Jim Mitchell and Regan Washer are seeking the Republican nomination.

Scott District

Incumbent Holder Trumbo is not seeking re-election. Ike Broaddus is running as an independent. A.J. Krick is seeking the Republican nomination.

Center District

Incumbent Kevin Carter has not announced his plans for the 2023 election. Carter was appointed to the seat when Chris Granger resigned last year. No one else has announced their candidacy for the seat.

Cedar Run District

Incumbent Rick Gerhardt has not announced his plans for the 2023 election. No one else has announced their candidacy for the seat.

Lee District

Incumbent Chris Butler is not seeking re-election. No one has announced their candidacy for the seat.

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